Friday, September 12, 2008

Guess who's back in BLOG effect!

Welcome to "The Love Spot", previously known as the "It's All Love Spot".

It's been a year (can you believe it) since I've blogged. And a lot has changed.

For one, I returned (full time) to my beloved NYC, a place that holds the best of the world and also the worst; and is yet beautifully harmonious. What's good in NYC remains humbled by what isn't and what isn't remains inspired by what is. You can feel it in the atmosphere.

And, as an artist, NYC is an everflowing fountain of inspiration from which to drink. Born thirsty, I can appreciate that.

That being said, no matter where you live, always find a way to water your own grass. What's truly green, emerald even, is always usually right under your own feet.

And so, in noticing my absence, some of you have emailed me over the last twelve months just to say "Hello." or even "Um... helloooo?" I appreciate you all. I truly do. It's a blessing to be thought of and I am glad to be back blogging!

During my period of blog (and Myspace) disconnect, I've missed so many of you.

I look forward to hearing from my loyal (are you still?) readers. Roddy, Rome, Margarite (aka TV Nista), Sunny, Rocky to name a few... are you still out there????

There are many others, including my loyal "anonymous" people (who inspired me to disallow comments), but with whom I've missed as well. I hope you're still around, too.

Or, maybe you're new to my blog? Welcome! To recap:

In a world oversaturated with harsh critics and gratuitious haterism, "The Love Spot" is a place to lounge in fabulousness. The air inside this area of the blogosphere is a little different, you'll see. Not better, per se, but an alternative to gossip and criticism, which rightfully has it's place in the world as well.

If you have good news, a "must buy" or "must hear" or "must read" or "must see" fashion item, cd, book or movie that you think should be celebrated, hit me up! (And, no, I do not accept payment to promote anything in this blog. Never have.)

But together, let's get lifted. Life is too fly and too fabulous to waste time on things we don't enjoy. Let's celebrate what we do. The only rule in this house is love. Sound good?

Love you! Miss you. Mean it!

P. Marie


Anonymous said...

Missed ya cuz, glad your back in bizness!

Anonymous said...

Checkin in. Damn girl. Bout time. ROME